Monday, October 24, 2011

Favourite Photo Monday

I'm joining a photo Monday

Here's my photo

Bluberry craft and hobby time


  1. Hi Val thank you for visiting us today. We like making new friends. Your daughters are beautiful and your pets precious!! I love how they are snuggling.
    I make my collages using Picasa 3. It is user friendly...if I can do it. LOL I downloaded it free from the internet. I had to practice with it a while.
    Good luck,
    Madi and Mom

  2. HOW CUTE!!!!! Snuggle buddies!

  3. Madi & Mom, thanks for telling me how to get a collage

    Ewa, I love photos so your post looked interesting:)
    They were best friends.
    Kimba, yes they were snuggle buddies!

    Sadly they passed away in Nov. 2010 and June 2011.

    Blogger K

  4. Oh, I am sorry about your pets. But that is so cute!!!


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