Thursday, December 22, 2011

Trickster! Puppy protection gear!

We had a bit of a warm spell up here.
That tricked the pussy willows in to thinking it was spring.So they bloomed. In the middle of December.If you want to read my best friends blog,which is another Alaskan blog, click here It is where she posts about what her cat does daily.Another great blog is Madi & Mom. Another really great blog is Pip's.

So now on to puppy protection gear.It is not really designed for this. It is really AJNL gear.It does work though!

So here is some baking The Cute Kitten and I did.

Cheesecake.Baked by CK

cookies.Baked by me.
Blogger Kate


  1. Hi Kate and CK!! Mom and I have missed you a ton but we are back and just wanted to say Merry Day after Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for the shout out!! We are so glad you two are our friends.
    OMC you two ladies are quite the good bakers.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  2. Happy new Year! I' have missed you to! Blogger Kate

  3. That looks delicious!!! Oh thanks for mentioning my blog! And it has actually gotten warmer! It got to 40* [I don't have the degrees symbol.] farenheit!

    Happy New Year! Hope you had a Merry Christmas! ~^.^~


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