Thursday, August 16, 2012

Woof! I turned one year on Tuesday! Woof!

Woof! I turned one year old last Tuesday!  I didn't celebrate it on Tuesday, because my family was away getting logs!  Woof! Outrage! I am now celebrating it now.I went with them one, and it is a long drive, and is really far away from my house! I went with them once. It was boring! Never go on a 2 hour truck ride! I always feel sick when I ride in a truck. Anyway, here are the pictures! Sorry about the fact that most of them were transferred into cartoons. Kate couldn't help herself! They are kind of funny though. *Disclaimer*Kate made up the cartoons..  Woof!:   
 First is a picture of my Predecessor:

Next is a picture of me as a little baby:                    

Now, Here are the rest of the photos!

Finally a picture of Razzy.

Here is my best blogging furry friend:

Once I wrote an article for the blogville Chronicle! Here it is:  Click here to go to it


  1. Happy belated birthday! The pictures and captions are adorable!

    Your pal, Pip

  2. Woof! Kate says thanks! Woof! I did have to provide the pictures though. Woof! Echo.

  3. Happy Happy 1st birthday Echo and hello Razzy
    We did so enjoy all the captions and photos of an itty bitty Echo.

    Mom and I are headed over to read your article
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

    1. Woof! Kate is getting better at doing that. Woof!Kate typed on a little laptop with me telling her what to put. She also edited all inappropiate laungue. Woof! Echo.


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