Friday, May 18, 2012


I am back from the UK after a visit to my Aunt H, ( Merci beaucoup) uncle and Granny. I am extremely  tired and jet lagged, so this will be a short post.
Ck on a carousel for the first time.
Me on a carousel for the first time.

Cute baby monkey,young monkey, and the mother.

Ck left, Me right

Me and CK by a old cannon.
Us at Shrewsbury castle

Yummy ice cream

Trentam Gardens,left to right Ck, Me,Aunt H, Uncle M

Really Pretty Bird.

Blogger Kate


  1. The monkey is so cute! It's all snuggled up.

  2. It was really cute. The father wouldn't let the young monkey go close to the baby monkey, which was mean, or protective. BK

  3. Probably protective, once on this TV show a kid fell in a gorilla cage and some gorilla kept the other younger one away, it was cute. He lived.
    By the way, this is Kawaii Woobie, I just changed the photo to Manekineko and changed the username to Hinouenoshojo. ~^.^~

  4. Ma Cherie . je'tadore beaucoup / Les "photos" sont magnifique

    Beaucoup de bisous ....................

    Tante H

  5. I live in the uk, the bird photographed is a really good photo of a beautiful grey heron. Those monkeys are so cute snuggled up together.

    Bella from

  6. I live in the uk, the bird photographed is a really good photo of a beautiful grey heron. Those monkeys are so cute snuggled up together.

    Bella from

  7. I love the photo of your grey heron. We spot them on the Somerset Levels, which is near where we live. The monkeys look cute cuddling up together.

    Bella from (not my mother)

  8. Hi Kate
    How wnderful it is to see you and Ck and your pictures from England!
    How is your weather in AK?. It is pretty hot here!
    Tell CK not to worry about my plates running out anytime soon. I already have another post prepared for next week and my list is still growing. We live in a very large city. Many, many cars have vanity (personalized) license plates.

    Have a very nice afternoon
    Madi and mom

  9. We have hot weather, but right now it is raining. We don't have too many personalized plates here. BK


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